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Safe working with screens: What employers need to know
The Health and Safety Executive are reminding employers about their responsibilities to protect workers from the health risks that come from working with display screen equipment (DSE), including PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations apply to any worker that uses DSE on a daily basis for continuous periods of an hour or more.
For these workers, the Regulations mean that employers need to do a DSE workstation assessment and reduce risks such as by making sure breaks are taken.
The law applies not only to workers at a fixed workstation but also mobile workers, home workers and hot deskers. Home workers can be easily overlooked because you don’t regularly see their work environment.
As well as the assessments, employers are also required to provide eye tests if requested by the employee and to provide training and information.
HSE provides a guide on what employers need to do as well as a checklist of the things to consider when doing a workstation assessment.